The Alemannenhof restaurant is open from MO to SO from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Hot meals from 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm.
Please inform yourself before your visit by phone or by e-mail before your visit to check whether the specified restaurant times are current, as we currently have variable closing days. Thank you very much.
Asparagus time at the Alemannenhof
The royal vegetable is now served in the Alemannenhof Restaurant for all asparagus lovers. We are happy to recommend a good drop of wine to go with your choice of asparagus dish. As well as the right dessert. For the perfect culinary delight.
As of 03.04.2022, many Corona protection ordinances have ceased to apply according to the state ordinance of Baden-Württemberg. To be on the safe side, please inform yourself about still existing and current ordinances regarding hotel accommodations before your arrival. Thank you very much.
Our house brochure
You can view our current house brochure here at your leisure. Page by page. Or download it for saving. We will also be happy to send you a printed version for your personal vacation planning.
An e-mail to with the password “sending house brochure” is sufficient. You can also order brochures by phone at 07664-5060 or by fax at 07664-2029.